Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nora Evelyn

Almost three weeks ago on Friday, February 13th (my birthday!) I gave birth to Nora Evelyn. My actual due date was just two days ago, so she was a bit early, but everything went well and she was (and is) absolutely perfect. It was kind of a crazy experience doing it au naturale (no epidural), and minutes after I gave birth I made Tom promise me that he wouldn't let me do it again. He kept saying "But you did it! You did such a good job!", to which I yelled "NO, PROMISE ME!!" But honestly I felt great five minutes later, it was such an easy recovery.

Having two kids is really not as hard as I thought it was going to be, but there is definitely a rather lage lack of sleep. With one baby you can just sleep whenever she sleeps, but with a toddler and a baby that's not really possible...although I will admit to turning on Sleeping Beauty for Harper and falling asleep on the couch more then once.

Harper is such a sweet big sister, and I swear she can already communicate with Nora. She is always telling me what Nora wants: "Baby hungry," or "Baby sleepy," and just this morning she told me "Nora poopy", and indeed she was! When Nora cries Harper runs to her side to calm her - sometimes with "ssshhhh's", sometimes with tickles. She also love "taking naps" with Nora (I don't actually let them sleep together, but Harper likes to lay in her bed and then asks me to put Nora next to her to "take nap"), and even better, taking baths with her.

It is funny because I really thought I only wanted two children, but having Nora makes me realize I want another one....some day :)


Kacey said...

I'm glad things are going so well, Jennette. The transition to 2 was a little harder for us, but then Jack wasn't even 2 when Lindsey arrived. It's nice that Harper can talk and is interested in the baby. Take care!

Crystal Lynn said...

Thats such a cute picture of Nora with Harper!

porterpies said...

Soooo darling!!!

Jennette said...

Yeah I can't imagine Harper being any younger - that would be hard!!