Thursday, August 14, 2008

Where's My Glow?

Tom and I decided at the end of May that we wanted another baby. When we decided that the first time it took about two years before we actually had one, so you can imagine our surprise when two weeks later I saw two little pink lines. I hadn't even had time to come to grips with the fact that I had actually agreed to do the whole morning sickness, back pain, cankles, heart burn, etc., all over again before I actually started going through it. Granted this one has been an absolute breeze compared to the first, but that isn't to say that I haven' t been without a few puking and fainting sessions.

Two days ago Tom hauled out my boxes of maternity clothes from the garage and I went through them all and started washing out the garage smell. I have been a little lucky this time in that up until last week I still fit into most of my regular sized clothes, probably because I walk quite a bit during the week when I work - last time I was on bed rest for a majority of my first trimester, so I gained a LOT of weight just sitting around and eating. However, this week the "regular" clothes are definitely not happening, so I was pleasantly reminded about one of the few really great things about pregnancy - elastic waist pants.

Sitting in my stretchy pants, I thought about some of the other good things about being pregnant. From the last time, I remember having shiny, thick, bouncy hair, glowing skin, and super strong nails. I looked down at my nails and realized that I do have really strong nails - usually mine crack and break, but they've been amazing. However, I most certainly do NOT have shiny, thick or bouncy hair, and there is definitely NO glow. Where's my glow?? This is extremely disappointing. I can only hope that it is just too early, and that the sparkly hair and glowy face is still to come.


Maria said...

I bet you do have a glow, I want to see your glowing face where are you? What is your sched? McKay and Harper need a play date!!

Anonymous said...

I thought you looked great on my bday.....

Jennette said...

You guys are too nice.